ベルリンを拠点に活動しているアーティストでサウンドデザイナーのミツ君ことTakahisa Mergrim MitsumoriのWebサイト制作のお手伝いをさせていただきました。
監修/制作はDELTRO INC.のMasanori Sakamotoさん、デザインはTakumi Abeさん、実装はShogo Yanoさん、僕は背景のAudio Visualizerの制作を担当いたしました。
I’ve been involved in the web project for Takahisa Mergrim Mitsumori, who is a Japanese artist and sound designer based in Berlin. I was in charge of the Audio Visualiser of his new website.
Before he is releasing “Cntnr EP,” on 25th March, our team has created his website. His new tracks are absolutely amazing! Please check it out on the web site.
When I’d stayed in Berlin in last April for a month, Went to go hang out with at his house and studio and he took me to the several night clubs in Berlin. So I was able to have a glimpse of how he lives and creates stuff there. Then I tried to represent the atmosphere with Audio Visualiser on the website.
In addition, learned a lot of things from Masanori Sakamoto, who is an art director. His art direction was distinctively awesome. He quoted a certain scene of a certain movie to share his images. Moreover, he conducted an enormous interview with Takahisa Mitsumori, and then extracted a lot of meta keywords. They were so helpful for me to reach the goal of Audio Visualiser. It was such an amazing time!
Art direction by Masanori Sakamoto & Takumi Abe
Design by Takumi Abe
Front-end engineering by Shogo Yano
Audio visualizer programming by Masayuki Daijima & Ken Murayama
タグ: AudioVisual, GLSL, Javascript, WebGL