法人化のお知らせ / Notice of Incorporation

2021.1.13 1:06 PM

2020年、世界が一変した一年でしたが、個人的にも激動の一年でした。色んなプロジェクトに参加し楽しくもバタバタと沢山のものを制作する中、秋には子どもが誕生し、そしてもう1つの出来事として2020年10月2日に法人化をしました。法人名はCalmhectic inc.と名付けました。カームヘクティックと読みます。Calm = 「冷静な、穏やかな」、Hectic = 「目まぐるしい、てんてこまい」という相反する意味のワードをくっつけた造語です。業種・職種的にバタバタと忙しくなることも多いですが、どんなに忙しい状況においても冷静に着実に自分達のするべきことを進めていくという決意表明でもあります。引き続きクラフトマンシップを胸にひとつひとつ丁寧にWebサイトなどデジタル領域を主戦場としてものづくりに取り組んで参りますので今後ともどうぞよろしくお願い申し上げます。

I’m excited to announce to incorporate my company! The year 2020 was a year when the world changed completely. it was also a year of upheaval for me personally. I have participated in various projects and have created many things in a flurry of fun, then a child was born in the fall, and as another event, I incorporated my company on October 2, 2020. The name of the company is Calmhectic inc., a word I coined by combining the contradictory meanings of the words “Calm” and “Hectic”. Although we are often busy due to the nature of our industry and occupation, it is also an expression of our determination to proceed with what we need to do calmly and steadily no matter how hectic we are. We will continue to make things one by one with craftsmanship in mind, and we look forward to working with you in the future.
I asked Keigo Anan of Logram to create the logo for us. He is also working on our business cards, which are going to be cool and I will report back here when they are finished.
I hope the world will be a little better this year. I’m looking forward to working with you again this year. Thank you.

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