大塚製薬 ネイチャーメイド50周年特設サイトの実装周りを担当致しました。今年、誕生から50年を迎えたネイチャーメイドの歴史や豆知識を知ることができるコンテンツがあったり、歴代のパッケージボトルがリアルな3Dボトルで勢ぞろいしています。
I was in charge of the implementation of a special website for Otsuka Pharmaceutical’s Nature Made 50th-anniversary website. The site has contents about the history and trivia of Nature Made, which celebrated its 50th anniversary this year, and it also has realistic 3D bottles of the past packaging. By the way, I’ve been taking “Super Multiple Vitamin & Minerals”, which was given to me as a reference sample of the 3D bottle for this project, and I’m feeling great every single day. I’ve experienced how difficult it is to get all the nutrients I need from my daily diet.
Client : 大塚製薬
Production : AID-DCC Inc.
Producer / Director : 佐々木 駿(AID-DCC Inc.)
Art Director : 有吉 学(AID-DCC Inc.)
Assistant Designer : 西山 将平(AID-DCC Inc.)
Technical Director / Front-end Developer : 代島 昌幸(Calmhectic inc.)