明日2021/10/2で弊社Calmhectic inc.は2期目に入ります。1年間お仕事ご一緒いただいた方、本当にありがとうございました。今後ともどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。そして新しい出会いも楽しみにしつつ、2期目もCalmにHecticしていきたいと思います。
Calmhectic inc. will start its second period tomorrow, 2nd October, and we would love to thank all those who have worked with us over the past year. We look forward to working with you again in the future and also looking forward to meeting new people, and we are going to continue to be hectic calmly in the second period.
On a side note, Logram, the design studio that designed our CI and business cards, has recently renewed their website. Our CI and business cards are also featured on the WORKS page, which is really cool, so have a look, please. The whole site is also absolutely awesome.